Our Boarding Options
The varied boarding options are explained below:
Option 1: Full Boarding (Weekly Boarding)
Full boarders arrive on Monday morning, or Sunday evening by arrangement, and leave on Friday at 4.00pm when the School week ends for all pupils.
Option 2: Flexi-Boarding
The flexi-boarding option allows children to board for a set night or nights each week throughout the term. Flexi-boarders follow the same routines as full weekly boarders. They have set beds and space to store possessions to save having to bring too much home each week.
Option 3: Occasional/Single Night Boarding
There may be occasions when a pupil wants to try one night of boarding or parents are away and would like to leave their son or daughter to stay at school with friends. This option begins at 5.30pm all the way through to include breakfast the following day. Children can also be booked in for longer periods of time (space permitting).
Option 4: Day Boarding (Breakfast and After School care)
This allows day pupils to join members of the Boarding House for morning or evening meals as well as supervised activity and study sessions. It provides parents with a more flexible option where children may need to arrive earlier or leave later than the core school day, and may be made use of on a regular or occasional basis as circumstances require.
Any combination of the following options are available for Day Boarders:
Breakfast Monday-Friday
This is a cooked breakfast consisting of eggs, bacon, sausages, toast etc. A variety of cereals and fruit are also available along with juices, tea and hot chocolate. This is a very social occasion shared with boarding pupils and the Boarding House staff. Children then brush their teeth in the House and leave for school at 8.10am.
Evening Meal Monday-Thursday
Each night pupils take it in turns to lay the tables and wash them down after use. The evening meal is sociable, with a relaxed atmosphere and time for conversation amongst the children. It provides an opportunity for pupils of varying ages to mix and for discussions to take place with Boarding Tutors. It also provides an opportunity for day boarders to feel very much included in the boarding community.
Boarders’ Prep Monday-Thursday
Once the school day finishes, boarders start their prep sessions in two designated rooms, one for Year 5 and 6 pupils and one room for Year 7 and 8 pupils. When prep finishes, boarders are free to move on to the Boarding House.
Choices Programme Monday-Thursday
The choices programme is available each evening from 7.00pm and gives pupils the opportunity to choose either a physical activity, academic support or some quiet time based in the Boarding House. The choices available are varied and cover a range of activities which make use of the school’s extensive grounds and facilities.
As you can see, flexibility and choice are definitely the watchwords here, and we will always do our best to accommodate individual parents’ and pupils’ needs. Parents need to complete a Boarding House booking form which also lists prices. This is then added to your termly bill.