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Feltonfleet is celebrating a record achievement for boys cricket, bringing home not just one, but four county trophies for the 2023 cricket season!
Since its foundation in 1903, although coming close on many occasions, Feltonfleet has never won a major County trophy – this year, the 1st XI (U13) and U11A cricket teams have scooped one and three respectively, the first in its 120-year history.
The string of wins began when the 1st XI progressed through five rounds to win the SCCA Surrey Prep Schools Cup.
Not to be outdone, the U11As quickly followed this by being crowned the Geoff Richards Surrey Champions, then the U11 Verney Cup Champions and finally, on Thursday 6th July, the U11s achieved the triple by winning the Surrey U11 County Cup.
Feltonfleet’s Director of Cricket, and Berkshire CCC player, Andrew Rishton attributes the teams’ success to the commitment of the players, “Since September, the after-school cricket clubs have been fully booked and well attended. This success is down to the commitment, determination, skill and progress of the boys involved. Both teams have created a ‘never die, never lose’ attitude. This has not only been evident, but crucial in pressure situations. Throughout the year, each individual has contributed to winning matches for their respective side, which has been the cornerstone to their success.”
Headmistress, Shelley Lance commented, “What a fantastic achievement! We are so proud of the boys and all those who have supported, encouraged, coached and inspired the pupils. Our combination of superb facilities, dedicated staff, supportive parents and the teams’ growth mindset has proved a winning formula.”