
Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental wellbeing awareness and provision at Feltonfleet has been recognised by ISI inspectors as being an outstanding feature of the school.

MindfulnessEach stage of our Destination 13 journey is underpinned by the emphasis we place on the positive mental health and wellbeing of our community. Every pupil, parent and member of staff, from our Pre-Prep to our Upper School, benefits from considered and comprehensive mental health education, understanding and practice.

A full programme of speakers and events runs throughout the year for parents to attend; staff wellbeing is of high priority to the Governors; and we ensure that every pupil knows whom to ask for help and has strategies to aid them in difficult situations.

Pupils throughout the School routinely practise mindfulness at key points of the day and appreciate the value of these moments of calm, which allow them to pause mid-schedule and take a breath.


Teaching about Mental Health

Staff are qualified to deliver the Mindfulness in Schools Project (MiSP) "Paws b." course, which educates our pupils about how the brain works and what they can do to train their mind to manage anxiety, stress, conflict and challenge. They understand what it means to have a growth mindset and how to develop grit and resilience.

Wellbeing Shortlist ImageOur rigour in ensuring that every area of school life focuses on positive mental health is demonstrated through our Mental Fitness in Sport policy, through which our pupils learn how their mindset and emotional intelligence are crucial to their performance in training and in matches, at whatever level they are representing the School.

We are realistic about the challenges of life and want our pupils to face up to problems or difficulties without shame. We aim to erase any stigma surrounding mental health issues through our open and honest dialogue with our pupils in PSHE Education lessons, our form tutor system, and the support provided to our younger pupils by our Year 8 Pupil Leadership Team.

In February 2021, we appointed an in-school Counsellor, Salma Mousavi. Salma has particular expertise in anxiety management, childhood stress and bereavement and her services are available to all our pupils regardless of age or circumstance.

Feltonfleet is a preparatory school for life. Our pupils become mentally strong, self-aware, positively competitive and empathetic. Most importantly, they accept that it is normal and expected that they will need help along the way.