
Learning Enrichment

Enrichment is at the heart of everything we do and this ensures every child develops to their full potential, both academically and personally, whatever their needs or abilities.  This applies to those of exceptional talent as well as those with specific learning difficulties.

Although the number of children with diagnosed special needs is small, Learning Enrichment is integral to our teaching.

Feltonfleet has a well-resourced Learning Enrichment department situated in the heart of the school with experienced and qualified teachers trained to assess and teach children with specific learning difficulties.

We also offer support for children who are experiencing a degree of difficulty with a particular aspect of their learning, for example a young child who has not yet acquired a firm grasp of phonics and needs to revisit certain sounds. Another example might be someone who has missed a vital element of Mathematics and cannot move forward. Some children simply need a little more time to become confident in some subjects.

We provide the appropriate support in the classroom and work with small groups and individuals to allow the pupils full access to the curriculum so that they are well integrated into all the activities of the school.