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Years 4-7 welcomed author and radio DJ, Christian O'Connell, to Feltonfleet this week and listened to his talk about his forthcoming book Radio Boy and the Revenge of Grandad. Many of the pupils have already read Christian's debut novel Radio Boy, which has been shortlisted for the Awesome Book Awards. Christian spoke about the importance of reading and how it develops empathy and creativity. "It's like working out for your imagination". He reads a chapter a day because it's an achievable target. Christian talked about his early days in radio and how hard it had been to breakthrough and find work. Perseverance was key, as well as self-belief. He explained that his personal experience resonates in his books because Spike struggles to fit in at school and find acceptance. In the end, the books are really about Spike finding his inner confidence as opposed to becoming a DJ.
" I found the talk incredibly funny and I loved how he got everyone involved. I felt like he really showed how important it is to persevere in life and I can't wait to tune in to his radio show!"
Anna, Year 7