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Our Upper School pupils were inspired by Mimi Anderson, endurance athlete and world record holder, in the first of our Leonardo Lecture Series.
Mimi shared her incredible story of perseverance, determination and resilience as she competed in endurance races across the world. Her impressive list of accomplishments includes; being the Female World Record Holder for John O’Groats to Lands End, completing the 840 miles in 12 days 15hours 46 minutes; winning and holding the course record for the 6633 Extreme Ultra Marathon, a 352 mile self-sufficiency non-stop race in the Arctic, which Mimi completed in 143 hours 23 minutes.
She explained to the pupils the importance of "never giving up" in order to achieve your goals.
“I took away that it is never too late to start something new, and if you put your mind to something, you can do anything. Like Mimi Anderson, we should always try new things and have the right mindset, because you never know what you will be good at.”
Rosie, Year 8