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There have been lots of ‘egg-stremely’ ‘egg-cited’ children (and grown-ups!) in Pre-Prep this week. On Monday we received five duckling eggs and after only 24 hours of careful incubating, our first chick emerged.
All of the children have played their part in caring for, and learning about, the special ducklings. Nursery softly sang them duck songs and lullabies while they were hatching. Reception made some super signs using their emergent writing skills, reminding people of the need for quiet and calm while the eggs were hatching. Year 1 wrote postcards to their families, telling them all about the ducklings and inviting them in for a peep. Year 2 made little leaflets, depicting the life cycle of the ducklings and welcoming them into the world.
By Wednesday afternoon all five beautiful ducklings were hatched and the children, having waited so patiently, had their chance to welcome them into the world. We have used an empty paddling pool to keep the ducklings safe while we have watched them drink, eat and play.
The ducklings will be in school until next Thursday so we all look forward to lots more fun with them as they grow and become more confident.
Watch our ducklings hatch here