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Feltonfleet pupils and staff did their bit to be part of the UK wide challenge of walking one billion steps to help raise money for Sport Relief by all taking part in our end of term charity event 'Walk With A Friend.'
Our youngest pupils set the pace, with Pre-Prep merging together with their friends supported by the Year 8 Prefects and our charity committee. It was a lovely sight to see the mass of colours spread around our school field working hard to complete one lap of the school. Hot on their tails were the Lower School supported by Year 6 and they were later followed by Year 5 who walked with both Years 7 and 8 all completing two laps of our school course. A great whole school effort!
Huge thanks also to the wonderful donations we have received. The money raised will be split between Sport Relief and our other two charities, Homestart Cobham and Feed and Read.